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For the first time in two decades, the legendary stars of The Mike Walsh Show and Midday have agreed to tell the extraordinary story of how they made television history and millions of Australians happy and informed every day at twelve.


Big Stars Like

Mike Walsch

Mike Walsh’s successor, who learned to run the show by the motto, "Make 'em laugh. Make 'em cry. Make 'em gasp!".


Derryn Hinch

Who once described Kerri-Anne as the televisual equivalent of a cockroach. He meant it as a compliment, but she isn't too sure!


and Ray Martin

Mike Walsh’s successor, who learned to run the show by the motto, "Make 'em laugh. Make 'em cry. Make 'em gasp!".



Before working women were the norm, millions of young housewives were stuck in the suburbs with small kids, denied a voice of their own. For them, the stroke of midday was an invitation to escape to a, "kaleidoscope of entertainment from at home and around the world: the entertainers and the events that are happening today"_ THE MIKE WALSH SHOW!

Mike Walsh turned a ghost-town, a wasteland of daytime TV into a thirty million dollar a year, ratings bonanza. Mike once asked network boss, Kerry Packer, 'What do I call you please, '"Mr Packer", or "Kerry"?' He turned to him and said, "Keep getting ratings like that, and you can call me whatever the hell you like"!

He played the straight man to his guests, the pupil to their master, the fan to their charisma. Earning Nine that sort of money, no one else could match his level of success.

All Walsh had to do was arch an eyebrow, flash a smile, and back in his audience's approval. The Mike Walsh Show had become an essential part of the 70s and 80s culture, an institution to millions of stay-at-home mums, shift-workers, and a saviour from loneliness for a generation of male and female viewers.

With all this success, Walsh was, however, taken for granted by the Network. and misled by bad advice, surrounded by 'yes men'.

Get in touch.
0408 284 568

50 Palm Beach rd, Palm Beach, Sydney NSW 2108